Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Yes I Will

What a great night for a walk! I'm starting to like getting my exercise in after the sun goes down. Not sure if that's the best time of day for it, but it seems to suit me well. I enjoy the dark and the peace and quiet that comes with it. There's plenty of lighting along my route, but it's not overwhelmingly bright; so, it's not like I feel unsafe being out at night. Of course, I'm six foot six and have a "full frame"...not sure if I've ever really felt "unsafe" at night.

The best part of exercise is that it's putting me back in touch with some of the over 19,000 songs in my iTunes library. I've got a few playlists that I like to shuffle through and I find myself constantly saying, "what a great song! I forgot I had that in my library."

As I hustled around the apartment complex tonight, Bryan Duncan's Yes I Will popped up in my playlist. It's a song from the late 90's, which was probably the last time I consistently listened to a Christian radio station prior to February, 2011. I don't remember the last time I heard this song, but I'm glad I heard it tonight.

The message is pretty simple and straight forward. It's a conversation that's far too familiar for Christians; the father of lies says, "You're not special. You don't matter. You'll never make a difference." Our response is....?

Admittedly, all too often, we, or at least I, have respond to those lies with, "you're probably right." As I listened tonight, I was reminded that that's not how God feels about me. My Father says, "You are special. You do matter. You can/will make a difference." God's love allows me to shout back, "Yes I am, yes I do, and yes, sir, yes I will!"

I don't remember if Yes I Will was a huge hit. I remember hearing it on the radio, but it was 14 years ago, so...all that matters is that it was a "hit" tonight.

Father, I bring my brokenness to you. As I grow in your love, help me respond to the lies that can't stand up to your truth...the lie that I'm not special, the lie that I don't matter, the lie that I won't make a difference...with the consistent affirmation that, "Yes, I am! Yes, I do! Yes, sir, yes, I will!"

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